I Write Because…


I write to…
Explore hidden realms beyond my reach

I write to…
See the universe in a different light

I write to…
Free myself from the confines of this world

I write to…
Hear my imagination think

I write to…
Escape to other dimensions in time

I write to…
Empower my introverted side

I write to…
Give my soul a much needed rest

I write to…
Pretend that I am someone I’m not

I write to…
Become a happier self

I write to…
Share my innermost thoughts and emotions

I write to…
Give hope to the hopeless

I write to…
Allow myself a few moments of weakness

I write to…
Make people laugh and cry

I write to…
Challenge myself in numerous ways

I write to…
Reach out to the brokenhearted

I write to…
Be daring and free from the chains that imprison me

I write to…
Create stories that I can call my very own

I write to…
Bring creativity into existence

I write to…
Have adventures that would otherwise never take place

I write to…
Acknowledge all that is good and true

I write to…
Perfect my hidden talents and abilities

I write to…
Show myself that I am worth so much more than I think that I am

I write to…
Find comfort in a place that I didn’t even know existed

I write because…
I am a writer.

© 2018 Michelle Cook

32 thoughts on “I Write Because…

    1. Thank you… and that’s so true. I think I’d be completely lost without writing, and I really have no idea how I ever survived beforehand. I’ve only been writing for about 3 years, and it was a complete surprise to me when I discovered how much I enjoyed it. I don’t think I could ever give it up now. It’s my main passion in life. It’s amazing when we finally discover our passions, and sadly enough, I think there are many who never do.

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