

They disintegrate like ash
Fluttering away on lofty breezes
I am nothing and they are always something
Something glittery and unattainable
Pieces of a whole that I will never have
Parts of a picture-perfect world that I will never see
There for a split second in time
Then drifting away at warp speed
Friends are often like that
Hold them close while you can

© 2018 Michelle Cook

20 thoughts on “Friends

  1. Throughout our lifetime we make true friends and friendly acquaintances. The true friends are those who are there for us in good times and bad ones. IMO those are like gold coins in a treasure chest. Keep them dear to your heart whether close or distance miles apart. I’d love to send you a heart. Bummer. My laptop keyboard only allows the smile emoji to depart. Thanks for being a friend! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re such a sweet friend to me. This really made me smile today. I’m so far behind on replying to messages, but I really needed this message today. I’m so thankful for you June Ann… ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

Here's a shiny copper penny for your thoughts... ❤️