

To describe him is an impossible task
He is literally everything
And yet so often
We don’t even recognize him
And I ask myself this…
How can someone be “all”
In every way imaginable
But not be revered as such
Are we that full of ourselves
Consumed by the cosmos
The one that He created
That we choose to disregard him
Without hesitation most days
All because he doesn’t suit
Our desirous and covetous needs
I feel I fail miserably
Right in the front of the One
Who gave me my whole life
What does that say about me
What does that say about any of us?

© 2019 Michelle Cook

* Just as I finished writing this piece this morning, and was reading it out loud to myself, a freak snow storm came out of nowhere, with snowflakes the size of my fists.  I don’t even know how to describe the wave of emotions that washed over me in that moment.  It was truly indescribable.  God always is…


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I try to mask it
But it’s there
Buried deep
But not deep enough
Layers of days
And even years
Piling on top
Pushing it down
Trying to erase
The ugliness
The pain
The absurdity
All the lies
One small dagger
Could put an end
To all the misery
All that I feel
And yet even conviction
Of a self
I hardly know
Could right
All that’s wrong
But doubt stifles
My strength
Yielding both scenarios
Futile and foolish
So I continue
To suffer
In endless silence
Because I fail
To utilize
The power
I myself hold
To change
To make a difference
Even a slight one
But still…
If only I trusted
The outcome
If only I believed
In myself

© 2019 Michelle Cook

Just let it in…


There are so many facets of love
Is there any way to fully understand them all?
Unfortunately, love doesn’t come in a one size fits all sort of box
It doesn’t come wrapped in perfection and realistic expectations
Love is often messy and not very well thought out at all
It’s an emotion that often takes us by complete surprise
And there never seems to be an explanation for how it starts
The line between love and hate seems to be easily bridged
We see this when we dislike someone one day and love them the next
And the funny thing is, we don’t get to choose who we’re going to love
In fact, it seems that love chooses us; it always has and always will
We are helpless to resist the power of love even though we often try
And running away from love seems to be the worst thing we can do
Love will always find us, no matter where we try to hide
Go ahead and try it if you don’t believe this to be the truth
Just accept the fact that love will never make sense and it doesn’t need to
The only thing you need to worry about now
Is how you’re going to begin to let love in.

© 2019 Michelle Cook