Polished perfection


I want to live
Where the waves crash upon the shore
To hear those tumultuous waves
Pounding like pistons
Smoothing every jagged rock
With timeless precision
Ever reminding me
Of the silver linings
Found in my afflictions
For with every persistent beating
Comes polished perfection

© 2020 Michelle Cook

Photo credit: https://pixabay.com/photos/the-beach-gravel-the-morning-rock-3266660/

24 thoughts on “Polished perfection

          1. Yes, sadly it seems to be that way doesn’t it?? I think I just saw a quote from Hemingway that said, Find something that hurts and write about it!! My best things, in my opinion, have come from the times of conflict and turmoil as you stated! Be safe out there, M!!!
            xoxo 💖🌹😊

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      1. sounds like you don’t live near the water now?

        I’m blessed that I was visiting the family home by the beach when this current health crisis unfolded … so I’m lockdowned hearing those waves 🙂

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        1. Unfortunately no, I live in southern Wisconsin now. But at least Lake Superior is only a days drive away. It’s the closest we get to an ocean around here.

          I bet the sound there is so soothing… Sometimes if I close my eyes tight enough, and let my imagination take me far enough, I can just about hear those waves myself. It’s a sound that just can’t be forgotten.

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          1. never forgotten and always hypnotic … so sad you had to relocate … wish I could share that crashing sound as the tide rolls in … should be a recording of it on the net somewhere 🙂

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