Burying yesterdays

The afternoon settles
into a quiet calm.
But it’s here
in this noiseless state,
where I find myself interrupted
by restless winds.
Those unexpected currents
stir up buried memories
of regretful sighs
and uneasy bitter truths.
Then with trepidation
coursing through my veins,
a quiet declaration is made.
I move in silent determination,
carefully traversing
those frustrating fields,
where chaotic blooms
begin to mushroom in my mind.
At last taking control,
seizing those past reflections,
wrestling with the delirium
of all those unspoken things.
And finally after hours
of agonizing lamentations,
those lingering grievances
begin to crumble
inside an iron-gripped will.
All those listless thoughts
long in their coming,
turning to ash,
fluttering lifelessly to the ground,
tasting their very last words.

© 2021 Michelle Cook

Photo credit: Pixabay.com

46 thoughts on “Burying yesterdays

  1. Wow! I so love this, Dear M!! Really Awesome. A Great capture of the silence and the rogue memories that start creeping into one’s consciousness and bring back the what if’s, regrets and bittersweet memories and words left unsaid! Bellissimo, Dearest, Bellissimo!!
    Can’t wait to share this gem with followers and tempt them to follow you!
    xoxox 😘💕💖😊🌹🌹✨

    Liked by 1 person

  2. it does take great determination to overcome our demons but as Keith says we can only try to do better each day

    … the past strengthens our character, it doesn’t define us or our future!

    Liked by 2 people

            1. I feel like Australia is one of the best places anyone could be right now. My hubby disagrees… he doesn’t like all the dangerous spiders and other lurking creatures that live there. Lol

              Liked by 1 person

  3. Michelle, as an old fart, I can tell you burying yesterdays is easier said than done. But, as soon as I stopped ruing a failure, bad decision bad relationship choice, etc. the easier it was to move forward. It is like repairing a fractured relationship based on your transgression. You cannot fix the past, only the future. And, it may take one day at a time of remedial action and contrition to do so. Keith

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Oh, I quite understand. I have so much depended on my mind throughout life–the sorely intellectual me–that it can quite overpower me. Silence is a blessing sometimes, isn’t it? The silence inside. Just to sit quietly and watch a stream flow past, listen to the birds, the leaves, feel the warmth of the sun on my skin. Without thinking a word.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Indeed, it’s the utmost blessing in times like these. I suppose that’s what I’m missing the most in my life right now, the ability to sit in silence and just watch nature quietly exist.

          Liked by 1 person

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