Believing in the pretends

We pretended we didn’t know each other.
Then we pretended we didn’t like each other.
And because we pretended for so long,
I think I started believing in the pretends.

© 2021 Michelle Cook

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28 thoughts on “Believing in the pretends

  1. Michelle, this is much more powerful than its brevity. Reminds me of the Oscar Hammerstein words from “South Pacific,”

    “you have to be carefully taught, by the time you are seven or eight, you have to be carefully taught to hate the people your parents hate.” Keith

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      1. MIchelle, the brilliance of the movie and play is Rodgers and Hammerstein snuck in the topic of racism in the “South Pacific” during the Jim Crow here. It is not unlike Arthur Miller’s play “The Crucible” which was released in 1953 to show the comparisons to the Salem witch trials to Senator Joe McCarthy’s communist witch hunts. Keith

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