Sometimes a song carries us along

When I couldn’t be there
to lose myself in you,
I knew my favorite song
would have to do.

Sometimes I’d let the words
rush over my skin,
remembering all the places
where we’d once been.

There were countless nights
I could only imagine you here,
and losing you in my life
was my greatest fear.

So I’d take solace
in my favorite song,
hopeful that the words
would carry me along.

Filled with a melody
so I could hold you in my heart,
I believed in earnest
that we’d never part.

© 2021 Michelle Cook

Photo credit:

44 thoughts on “Sometimes a song carries us along

  1. Even as a deaf guy, music has always been incredibly important to me. Songs from my past (when I could hear normally) still accompany my daily life, especially those that attached themselves to significant events/people/relationships. Music is a portal that transports us immediately across time and space and keeps memories alive. It’s therapeutic, cathartic and I honestly don’t know what I’d do without all those songs from my past that link me to faces and places long gone. Beautifully written, Michelle! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh I couldn’t agree more… it is so therapeutic and cathartic, and oh the memories it can bring back; sometimes wonderful, sometimes sad, but all those memories are what made us who we are today.

      Did you or perhaps still do, play any musical instruments? I love music too and I’ll listen to practically anything. Lately, I’ve been into epic instrumental music. I listen to it when I take my daily walks and it transports me to another world. 💫

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      1. I was self-taught on guitar and my big dream in my youth was to be a musician. Of course, that never came to be, but I still have my three guitars in my closet even as I type. I could never part with them–they just mean too much to me. I haven’t played them in years. I actually have a photo of myself jamming with my drummer buddy Jeff during my freshman year of college on a blog post I wrote about my musical dreams and how they ended. (Spoiler alert: ’80s hair!) 😀

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        1. I kinda thought you might be a guitar player. Your gravatar kinda gives it away. 😉 I used to play piano, but haven’t in years, and I don’t have a piano any longer. You’ll have to post the link to your musical dream post so I can read it. 80’s hair… lol… I remember those days well. 😆

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  2. Oh, Michelle, this poem touches my heart deeply. I adore how you’ve created music as the bridge between the then and now. Music is such an important part of many of our lives and music is that bridge at times. Magnificent. ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I absolutely LOVE this and deeply resonate. You are one amazing poetess, I almost felt like I was reading reflections of my thoughts. Thank you so much for this magical gem, makes my morning 🖤🤗

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Michele, terrifically done. Songs are like mileposts in our lives. Some songs take us back to earlier relationships or when relationships flourished and some back to better times. Not totally off the subject, in the book and movie called “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil,” there was a true character, a pianist, from Savannah that would ask you what your favorite song was when she first met you. Then, when you walked into a room where she was playing piano, she would play your favorite song. I felt this was a wonderful gesture, which is actually true to life. Keith

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks Michelle. The book and movie include three of the most compelling characters and used the actual people in the movie. A transforming drag queen named The Lady Chablis, an elderly black woman who speaks with the dead, and this pianist. The movie stars John Cusack, Kevin Spacey, Jude Law and Clint Eastwood’s daughter, I think her name is Alison. Keith

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