The stars stood on standby


The stars stood on standby
Each one wordlessly waiting for a sign
To move their fixed positions
And finally realign

Yet the gesture never came
And so they kept their rooted stances
Waiting in anticipation
For a word from the far expanses

Cynicism made them grow dim
And caused some to fall from the heavens
And those are the few
Who have left considerable impressions

The remainder still wait
In a state of restless apprehension
Biding their time
In the hopes of a fourth dimension

© 2018 Michelle Cook

For a full month of writing prompts, click here!  The stars stood on standby

13 thoughts on “The stars stood on standby

    1. Thank you… I almost didn’t post it, but figured someone might like it. 😉. I’ve been writing more, just not posting much. Sometimes I just don’t feel like sharing what I write. Does that happen much to you?

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