The Mystery of Milmonyville


The town of Milmonyville
Was such a curious place
Lined with quaint shops
Filled with wares of fine taste

It was like stepping back in time
As you walked down the street
And men would tip their hats
To every woman that they’d greet

Most thought it rather odd
That the people were so welcoming
And many would never go back
Because they found it so unsettling

It was almost as if the town
Was too perfect in some regards
Everything was polished and sparkling
Something you couldn’t disregard

And that old town of Milmonyville
Is still a mystery even today
Especially after heaps of bodies
Were found floating in their pristine bay

© 2018 Michelle Cook

Writing prompt: The mystery of Milmonyville

33 thoughts on “The Mystery of Milmonyville

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