Blushing brilliance


She must’ve scaled it
A thousand times
Realizing the risk
Every time she climbed

And yet she continued
To chance the danger
Of facing fears
She was no stranger

For the brilliance beyond
Was all that mattered
As her confidence waned
Her courage was gathered

And at the crest every eve
In front of that dazzling display
Her breath would give out
No words she could say

For amidst the blushing
Splendor of the eve
The grandeur of it all
Was more than any could believe

And so in her mind
It was worth risking the fall
For the worst that could happen
Would mean a forever with it all

© 2018 Michelle Cook

For a month of writing prompts, click here;  Blushing brilliance

11 thoughts on “Blushing brilliance

  1. Beautiful imagery, and a finale twist of destiny.
    “I don’t consider myself a pessimist. I think of a pessimist as someone who is waiting for it to rain. And I feel soaked to the skin” – Leonard Cohen

    Liked by 1 person

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