Just reflecting

Do you ever wonder why things
can’t be as they were
Time always changes things
and causes such a stir

People eventually change
and that’s because everyone grows
still I miss the old ways
and change I do oppose

I miss when my kids were little
the times of simple bliss
now the world has gotten so hectic
everything’s amiss.

I struggle with the here and now
and the moments way back then
still knowing I’d never want to do
all those years again

As great as they really were
life was hard then too
I guess I need to remember that
whenever I’m feeling blue

One never really thinks
about the day their children will leave
and it’s sad when they forget you
It’s something you forever grieve

I know my very own parents
probably feel the exact same way
but the distance makes it harder
and so we drift away.

And friends are difficult to follow
everyone’s here and there
but there’s only one of me
though I’d love to be everywhere

And now that I am older
I find myself learning to be still
sinking into the background
not looking for a thrill

Still I am very happy
and maybe more content than most
but very humbly I say that
for I’d never want to boast

I do enjoy my life though
and yet some days are still so sad
but they’re few and far between
and for that I’m really glad

And today I’m just reflecting
missing those who’ve gone afar
and I think I’ve come to accept
I have to leave them where they are

© 2023 Michelle Cook

Photo credit: https://pixabay.com/photos/young-woman-meadow-lie-relax-girl-2194038/

Beyond repair

There are some things
that can never be mended;
even as much as you try,
the result remains upended.

And I’ve learned it is better
to let sleeping dogs lay
than to stick around waiting
for the needle to sway.

There’s a balance to life
that just can’t be amended,
but sometimes these truths
are miscomprehended.

So I’m doing my best
to remember all these things
and trying not to fret
over things I cannot change.

© 2022 Michelle Cook

Photo credit: https://pixabay.com/photos/piano-rose-red-flower-love-571968/

You’re the handprint on my heart

You’re the handprint on my heart,
the ache that consumes my days.
You’re the air that swirls around me,
always there in so many ways.

You’ve touched me like no other,
having become the fabric of my soul,
and I love you more each day
as you’re the one who makes me whole.

© 2021 Michelle Cook

Photo credit: https://pixabay.com/photos/couple-sunset-silhouettes-5338310/