Exciting news! Read all about it!


Well, I’ve got some rather exciting news to tell all of you about, and I just can’t hold it in any longer.  Some of you may have noticed that I’ve been rather aloof these days, and I promise you, it comes with good reason.  I have been secretly working on 12 poetry books, and my first one is finally ready for publication!  Can you believe it?  Well, I can’t… seriously, it seems so surreal to me.  I just got my proof in the mail yesterday.  Isn’t she purdy… 😋

Anyway, if you’re into lovey dovey, mushy type poetry books, one which is bound to leave your heart fluttering right out of your chest, then you’ll want to order a copy of my book for Valentines Day.  I promise you it’ll be the perfect gift idea for your sweetheart.  Of course, I am a little bias I suppose.  So here’s a heads up that it’ll be released for publication on February 1st.  Like I said… just in time for the big Hallmark holiday.  And if you have the sudden urge to be all romantic, you’ll be able to buy my book on Amazon before the big day arrives.  Gee… maybe I should find a way to throw in a free box of chocolates with every order.  I’ll have to work on that.  😉  ~M xo