Purple Plasma


I managed to lose him in the purple fog
Against a dull gray view
He’d been sullen all day long
And suddenly withdrew

Without a single cognitive word
His mind trailed away from me
And there he still sits catatonic and drooling
In front of his most cherished plasma sea

© 2018 Michelle Cook

For a month of writing prompts, click here; Purple plasma

13 thoughts on “Purple Plasma

    1. Thank you… I haven’t started day 3 yet. It’s gonna have to wait until the morning. Hopefully I get a surge of inspiration, but I’m not really a morning person. Lol. 😉

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            1. That’s good… I felt like I’d just closed my eyes when the alarm went off at 6. Been dragging all day long, and my brain has no idea was to do with Brimstone Brew. Lol

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