Autumn revelations


Stretch out your hand
Pull me in
Feel the measure of my love
From where it begins

Set deep in the backdrop
Of a brisk autumn day
My love awaits
And it’s there to stay

Once you grasp hold
Never let go
The boughs may break
But I want you to know

That in this life
You can reach me on a breeze
Always there to comfort
And put you at ease

So don’t ever forget
This promise I give
Now take hold of my hand
And begin to live

© 2018 Michelle Cook

14 thoughts on “Autumn revelations

    1. This poem came to me as the light filtered in through the window above the fireplace. I could see all the brilliant fall foliage, and the branches were sort of swaying in the breeze. It felt like God was reaching right out and pulling me in close to him. I treasure moments like these, it was simply magical.

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