I still believe

I see God every day;
He’s always there
to brighten my way.

He made all the wonders
of the world,
even down to the tiniest
buds unfurled.

He gave me my life,
and He gave you yours;
He lets us decide our paths
and yet suggests detours.

It’s up to us to find our path
and go our own way,
and like a good father,
there are some things
He doesn’t say.

He lets us choose
whether we go left or go right,
but gives us our inner strength
when a battle arises
that we must fight.

He never promised us
a world without strife,
and He’s shown us plenty
of examples of pain
in His own life.

I think back to when
His most trusted angel turned away,
which reminds me of when
our own children chose not to stay.

The pain and sorrows
are never very far,
but just as a mother,
He still loves us wherever we are.

I can’t begin to understand
all that He is;
I just know that He loves me,
and I am His.

And one day, I’m sure,
I’ll understand more than I do now;
His wisdom will find me
just like the faith He has endowed.

Until then, I just keep trusting
and believing with my whole heart,
and I know He’ll be holding onto me
when at last, I do depart.

We mustn’t lose hope,
even in a world that seems so dim,
so I’m putting all my hope
in the One who’s always been.

© 2022 Michelle Cook

Photo credit: https://pixabay.com/photos/rose-rose-blossom-bud-blossom-5255938/

28 thoughts on “I still believe

    1. I think knowing who we are makes life a whole lot easier. I’ve always felt so lost anytime I’ve ever questioned my beliefs. So I fall back on what I know to be true. And understanding the truth about ourselves always sets us free.


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