When we ignore…


They scatter, fall
Lose their way
Their lives uncertain
Full of disarray

They’ve taken risks
Leading them astray
Every decision a regret
They’ll now have to pay

They can’t go on
To start a new day
Unkind words leave them
In misery and dismay

Their agony is contagious
So we keep them at bay
Then they vanish forever
As their souls fade away

We cry out in anguish
Looking for a ray
But they’re gone for good now
There is nothing left to say

© 2019 Michelle Cook

*I wrote this yesterday as I thought about all the people around us who suffer alone every day.  We may not understand exactly what our friends are going through, or how to help them, but a simple word of kindness is all it often takes to make a difference in somebody’s life.  So I urge you to reach out to someone today.  You could be the one to save their life without even knowing it.  I’ve had friends do this for me; they never even knew how much their words meant to me, but they were everything in those moments when I was lost and felt like giving up.  Please don’t ignore your friends; they need you… ~M xo

26 thoughts on “When we ignore…

      1. well, just went to a short term treatment facility, but that didn’t work out. 😦 i’m having tough days…
        btw, may i just share that i took a nap, and dreamed about taking a Bible class. i’m not even Christian! it’s very strange that i had this dream.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Awww…. I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope things will get back on track for you soon. ❤️ Dreams often show us things for a reason. I would definitely not disregard that dream. 😉

          Liked by 1 person

  1. Very true words. In Aust we have are you okay day and it all goes viral on Facebook etc but “I’m fine” is so easy to answer if you are not adept at communicating – it’s a good concept – but I think we need to extend ourselves further and with patience to make a difference. Difficult – in such a busy worldz

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh that sounds like a great day to have. Wish we had that here. I felt while writing this, that it was to be a reminder to myself, to always extend a loving hand to anyone who asks or seems in need. Sometimes I feel awkward though, and I don’t know what to say. I’ve never been a good conversationalist. I think that’s partly because I’ve almost always been a loner. But I want to put myself out there more and let people know how much I care. I don’t want to just think it and pray for them. Instead, I want to go above and beyond and really show it. I know that if others hadn’t done that for me, I probably wouldn’t even be here right now. It makes such a difference and I’ve seen that firsthand. None of us are really ever too busy to spread kindness. Even just a simple smile is a huge thing to me.


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